
From agknowledgeafrica ilriwikis

Location, mapping and agri data (Focus Group session on Geo and Spatial Data)

Organizers/ Focal Point(s)

Some outputs

rss url="http://feeds.delicious.com/v2/rss/sharefair09/sfaddis+product+geo?count=15" link="true" number="10"

Aims of the session


1. Agenda for the session

2. Facilitators:

  • Content - Bruno Gerard
  • Process - Nadia Manning


#htmldiff1Spatial data as a decision support instrument for emergency responses and planning in Somalia ( #htmldiff2Michael Arunga and Ahmed Nur Hussein #htmldiff3)

Evans Arabu [earabu@google.com] GOOGLE

The FAO Desert Locust early warning system in Africa - the use of spatial data and mobile devices ( [keith.cressman@fao.org ])

Ibrahima Sylla, ENDA

#Notes Notes

What is a Focus group session?