
From agknowledgeafrica ilriwikis

Focus Group - The writeshop process

Organizers/F acilitators

International Institute of Rural Reconstion(IIRR) Ethiopia Office PO.Box 7931,Tel:251-11-3212864 or mob: 251911917327,Email: [ethiopia@iirr.org] Presenter: Mintesnot Kasa,IIRR Ethiopia Communications Specialist ,Email: [mintesenot.kassa@iirr.org] Session Chair:Zerihun Lema,CDO Manager , Email: [Zerihun.lemma@iirr.org]

Some Outputs

Aims of the session

A "writeshop" is an intensive, participatory workshop that aims to produce some kind of written output. This may be a set of extension brochures, a bound book, set of leaflets, or a training manual. Participants may include scientists, researchers, government personnel, extension agents, farmers and other local people: anyone who has, in one way or another, been involved in the experiences to be documented. A team of facilitators, editors, lay out designers& artists assist the participants.

The writeshop process was pioneered by the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) and is being adapted by many institutions for reflection learning and documentation. Through this process IIRR has produced over 60 user-friendly materials.

The aim of the presentation and the group discussions is:

  • to promote the Writeshop as an innovative, appropriate tool to capture local content/indigenous knowledge .
  • to show the advantages of using Writeshop over the usual way of documenting so as to encourage organizations to adapt, improve or use the process and further explore how it could be adapted for areas that have not been used so far.


The session will take 90 minutes.

  • Brief introduction of the participants
  • Presentation on the writeshop process
  • Discussion on some guiding questions
  • Comments and suggestions from participants
  • Display of the some of the materials produced through the Writeshop process
